I'll call you Kate, for now

I'll call you Kate, for now,
when waiting gives birth to you
in its precious ways:
by day-dreams and kicked hands,
prayers and poems,
nervous laughter.
And you are known
only in the best of ways:
as your father knows you,
my Kate.


Brad East said...

This one caused my wife to tell me she is ready to start having babies. Thanks, man.

Joshua Alkire said...

I want one!

David said...

Brad: haha sorry about that... perhaps she will change her mind when I begin to poetically recount changing diapers. "I'll call you stinky, for now..."
An important side note: babies beget babies - Kristen saw me hold our new niece in January and later that month we became pregnant. We have yet to see who Ava Kate will pass the baton off too.

Josh: You will be welcome to borrow ours as a part of your uncle status!