An Exposition of a Phrase

"How Sad"

voiced low; just past 
condolences - then silence. 

A glance, 
then eyes to the floor.
inhale, tilt head, adjust jaw -

(as if the silence 
results from improper 

Change the subject,
we both know 
How Sad. 


Mother church lifted me 
out of water,
and I was her child. 
I am disrobed -
unable to hide what's
buried in the sand.
once a prince -
now outcast.
So I've wandered in the wilderness 
- my own heart charred, 
seared by flame and my eyes
still blind. 
Yet I stagger forth, 
unsure of all but this:
what embers smolder in this heart
are stoked by God's breath
and I will be ash
before my own breath relents 
of saying: "Let them go."


Sometimes, at the pulpit, I imagine I am
officiating Your wedding.
In our counseling sessions 
I wasn't convinced you two 
would make a good match. 
To be honest, I thought you could 
do better. But I could see you
were in love so I relented. 
Now you stand beside me,
rocking on your feet
and I think
"I'd be nervous too, buddy."
What is it that you see in her?
She doesn't deserve the white dress
she has on, but no one is saying anything.
She waves at ex-boyfriends on her way
up the aisle. 
I roll my eyes --- you are smiling.
"Who presents this bride?" I ask.
but You've already taken her by the hand 
then turn expectantly toward me.
You've written your own vows, 
and I frown as she struggles
to keep her eyes open
as you read them. 
Now her turn comes, and to be safe,
she repeats after me the words she needs.
And I wonder to myself as I hear
the weighty words I am pronouncing,
if it is enough that You have heard her 
say them. 

Coffee Cup

See, the used coffee cup 
melting into the ground.
Could hold the coffee
but not the rain. 

What is a child for?

What is a child for? 
I ask myself driving home,
just hung-up with my parents.
Sun setting behind me,
Makes mesquite trees shorter
while their shadows grow longer.
I listen to a conversation
between tires and asphalt,
murmuring something I cannot
quite discern with the windows up
and the air conditioning.
Like mom and dad in their room 
watching TV after all the lights
are off and a child falls asleep
dreaming in voices without words
and words without meaning
and meaning without searching. 


Sometimes when the poetic portion
of my brain is numb 
I just start a sentence and see 
what falls out of it. 
I put words together like refrigerator magnets: 
no, no, no...
Oh, give it up. 

Now I've tipped my first line over
tapping the bottom
hoping something will come out.
and sometimes...
if I'm lucky... 
like a star unstuck from 
the dark bowels of space, an idea
unbound by the laws of creative 
physics illuminates
the dark night of a passionless poem
and a radiant beam of 
bright and unabashed 

dribbles forth. 


We do not attain perfection,
it is not ours to take,
but only learn to be 
with the Perfect One. 

A Note on a Monastery Wall

God is not

Be His.

Somewhere there is a place

Somewhere there is a place
with a porch and a chair and a view
of grass and trees and sunlight
touching flowers bending under
the weight of dew. 

Somewhere there is a place
with room for many friends
hugging and laughing and praying.
With room enough for their 
enormous hearts.

Somewhere there is a place
where light does not enter
without blessing. Where breezes
tussle hair like mothers. 
Where silence is not death but life.

Somewhere there is a place 
where hands feel what they touch,
where feet thank the earth for 
holding them up, where minds 
descend from the brain to the heart.

Somewhere there is a place 
where calluses act as rosary
beads, where grease and car oil
are sacramental elements, 
where souls are cleansed by dish soap

Somewhere there is a place
where the table bears
the sustenance and the chairs bear
the life. Where food has the same 
origin as man: the dust.

Somewhere there is place 
where there is no gain,
where there is no loss,
there is only God.

Somewhere there is such a place,
May God's grace make it here.