
What will we name her?

Kate, I like Kate.


And what about your Granny?


Yes, Eva.

They will not know how to say it.

How should they say it?


Spell it A-v-a.


Ava Kate.


Our love will be named
David, Kristen, and Ava Kate


Love is measured
not in nearness
but in likeness.

We are the image
of God
So put down your


The god who made us
is God and we are the ones
He made.

We are born in skin
and spirit and die in skin
and spirit.

God is love and
we are love being freed
from death.

We will be the ones
who once died whom
God made.

We will know
we once died but
do not anymore.

Death requires
memory and love requires

We will live
and we will remember:
The god who made us
is God and we are the ones
He made


Already tarnished, the rings -- our faces
distorted and fogged by scratches
when we look to see ourselves
the day we put them on. But we are there,
even so, and the promises:
When communion came
you stopped listening at "When the triune God..."
to hear only my face -- precocious
and anxious -- and you must have known
more of the mystery we ate and drank in:
that love distorts us beyond ourselves
and leaves the promise so obscured
that the other is all and enough to be faithful.


Our bodies ache
for sabbath
and move towards it
as rain moves
toward the earth
while people within
their coffee scented homes
watch steam rise
from the streets
and their cups
waiting for the day
peace, too, is perpetual.

A hill

A hill
thistled and dark
with rock and shadow
stands between us and voices
sung high, breaking over the top
like clouds upon mountains -
all we hear is condensation,
wafts of white music
moist as our sweat
but not doomed to fall.
And We, for songs
only faintly known, climb
and our once barren voices bear
hope as We hum along.