Excuse us if we seem unmoved, today, by your word
But we’ve been taught to be
both/and people
and never either/or.
We can’t help but find ourselves
Wary of duality
Skeptical of polarities
Suspicious of dichotomies
Because our world rebuts such simplicity
We’ve seen the power “the right” use against “the wrong”
We’ve discovered lifelong friends among mortal enemies
We’ve explored the tumultuous landscape of our own hearts.
So we resign ourselves to ambiguity,
We feel at home with relativity,
we guard ourselves against extremity.
We choose to be somewhere in between;
a people constrained to shades of gray.
Until you,
who have suffered the power “the right” use against “the wrong”
who have chosen eternal friends among mortal enemies
who have cherished the tumultuous landscape of every heart
re-educate us, re-enlighten us, re-create us with your definiteness:
Either you are Holy or you are not
Either you are Life or you are not
Either you are The Way or you are not
By grace and to our own advantage,
we confess that you are.