The Spoon and the Bowl (or A Nihilistic Confession)
Apologies and a Communal Response
God of heaven, above us and beside us,
we confess that Your ways are not our ways
so with heavy hearts we pray, May this cup be taken from us
That we should forgive and not blame, May this cup be taken from us
That we should submit and not control, May this cup be taken from us
That we should be faithful and not covetous, May this cup be taken from us
That we should give and not hoard, May this cup be taken from us
That we should be struck and not strike back, May this cup be taken from us
That we should show mercy and not judgment, May this cup be taken from us
That we should be wounded with the wounded, May this cup be taken from us
That we should love our neighbor and not fear them, May this cup be taken from us
That we should seek community and not popularity, May this cup be taken from us
That we should carry a cross and not a sword, May this cup be taken from us
That we should die in order to live, May this cup be taken from us
In our weakness, still we seek You.
Holy One, beyond us and among us,
we confess that Your ways are not our ways
so with aching hearts we pray, Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should forgive and not blame, Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should submit and not control, Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should be faithful and not covetous, Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should give and not hoard, Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should be struck and not strike back, Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should show mercy and not judgment Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should be wounded with the wounded, Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should love our neighbor and not fear them, Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should seek community and not popularity Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should carry a cross and not a sword, Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
That we should die in order to live, Our spirits are willing but our bodies are weak
In our weakness, still we seek You.
Our Father, for us and not against us,
we confess that Your ways are not our ways
so with hearts of submission we pray, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should forgive and not blame, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should submit and not control, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should be faithful and not covetous, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should give and not hoard, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should be struck and not strike back, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should show mercy and not judgment, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should be wounded with the wounded, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should love our neighbor and not fear them, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should seek community and not popularity, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should carry a cross and not a sword, Not as we will, but as you will
That we should die in order to live, Not as we will, but as you will
In our weakness, still we seek You.